【100倍楽しむ京都観光】絶対に外せない京都の観光名所10選 / 10 must-see places for sightseeing in Kyoto


金閣寺 / Kinkaku-ji 00:21
銀閣寺 / Ginkaku-ji 01:39
清水寺 / Kiyomizu-dera 03:07
龍安寺 / Ryoan-ji 04:02
三千院 / Sanzen-in 05:22
南禅寺 / Nanzen-ji 06:35
東福寺 / Toufuku-ji 07:26
伏見稲荷大社 / Fushimi Inari Taisha 08:18
京都御所 / Kyoto Imperial Palace 09:27
二条城 / Nijo-jo Castle 10:32
(+Bonus 嵐山 / Arashiyama 11:44)

京都の紅葉🍁2022 / 16 Places to Enjoy Beautiful Autumn Leaves in Kyoto 2022

京都の美しい額縁庭園 / ”Frame Gardens”, another way to enjoy Japanese Gardens in Kyoto

京都の枯山水庭園20選 / 20 Dry Landscape Gardens in Kyoto

京都の池泉式庭園10選 / Top 10 Pond Style Gardens in Kyoto

眩いばかりの苔が美しい京都の寺10選 / 10 Beautiful Moss Temples in Kyoto with Bach

重森三玲が作庭した京都の8庭園 / 8 Gardens in Kyoto designed by Mirei Shigemori

◆音楽 / Music
Chris Zabriskie の Undercover Vampire Policeman は、クリエイティブ・コモンズ – 著作権表示必須 4.0 ライセンスに基づいて使用が許諾されます。 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/uvp/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Amacha https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/


Enjoy a sightseeing trip while staying at home. We will introduce 10 must-visit tourist attractions in Kyoto with videos. All of them are must-see tourist destinations that can be visited without prior reservation.

◆Related Information
Guide Info.
Kyoto City Official Travel Guide
16 Places to Enjoy Beautiful Autumn Leaves in Kyoto 2022

”Frame Gardens”, another way to enjoy Japanese Gardens in Kyoto

20 Dry Landscape Gardens in Kyoto

Top 10 Pond Style Gardens in Kyoto

10 Beautiful Moss Temples in Kyoto with Bach

8 Gardens in Kyoto designed by Mirei Shigemori

Undercover Vampire Policeman by hris Zabriskie
Source: http://chriszabriskie.com/uvp/
Artist: http://chriszabriskie.com/
Amacha https://amachamusic.chagasi.com/

#VirtualTour #京都 #京都観光 #japanesegarden #Kyoto #kyotosightseeing #garden #庭園​ #temples #Bomboo
