信州渋温泉【歴史の宿 金具屋】映画「千と千尋の神隠し」の世界に泊まる! 登録有形文化財の建築美に酔いしれ湯めぐり三昧♪ 雪猿とも戯れた癒しの長野旅! KANAGUYA&Snow Monkey Park


今回は信州旅♪ 長野県下高井郡山ノ内町の渋温泉にある、映画「千と千尋の神隠し」の中に出てくる「油屋」のモデルとしても知られる【歴史の宿 金具屋】に宿泊してきた様子をお送りします♪ 今から265年前の宝暦8年(1758年)創業の「金具屋」は昭和11年(1936年)に完成した木造4階建ての「斉月楼(さいげつろう)」と「大広間」は、国の登録有形文化財に指定されており、「金具屋文化財巡り」で宮大工の技術と遊び心に満ちた2棟の建築を、楽しみながら存分に学んだ貴重な体験もご覧いただけます ^o^ また4つの自家源泉による、3つの大浴場に5つの貸切風呂の温泉は源泉掛け流し! 近くの「地獄谷野猿公苑」での、世界でも類のない温泉に浸かるお猿も必見の楽しい信州旅♪ぜひご覧になってみてくださいね ^o^

This time we are traveling to Shinshu♪ We stayed at [Kanaguya, a historic inn] which is also known as the model for the Aburaya that appears in the movie “Spirited Away”, located in Shibu Onsen in Yamanouchi Town, Shimotakai District, Nagano Prefecture. We’ll show you how it went ♪ “Kanaguya” was founded in 1758, 265 years ago, and is a four-story wooden “Saigetsu Tower” completed in 1936 (Showa 11). Tsurou) and Great Hall have been designated as registered tangible cultural properties of the country, and during the “Kanaguya Cultural Properties Tour,” you can have fun learning about the architecture of these two buildings, which are full of the techniques and playfulness of temple carpenters. You can also see a valuable experience ^o^ In addition, the hot springs in 3 large public baths and 5 private baths are fed by 4 private hot springs, all flowing directly from the source! A fun trip to Shinshu where you can also see the monkeys soaking in the unique hot springs in the world at the nearby Jigokudani Monkey Park ♪ Please take a look ^o^

歴史の宿 金具屋 | Rekishi no Yado KANAGUYA

地獄谷野猿公苑 | Snow Monkey Resort

*今回から字幕化 多言語対応いたしました♪


X(twitter) https://twitter.com/mans2ch

Music by Khaim: https://www.khaimmusic.com/
タイトル曲 : 天休ひさし「百花繚乱」
