

長野旅2日目、前回の渋温泉「金具屋」に宿泊した次の日は、長野県千曲市にある伊東園ホテルズの宿、戸倉上山田温泉【リバーサイド上田館】に宿泊して来ました♪ 千曲川の眺めも眩い和洋室のお部屋は、60㎡超の広さでゆったりと過ごすことができました ^o^ 男女入れ替え制ながら8階の展望露天風呂は開放感抜群♪ 恒例の食べ飲み放題バイキングではグルメフェアも大当たり!もちろん今回もカラオケまで楽しんで、驚きの超コスパ旅になりました^o^

On the second day of my Nagano trip, the day after I stayed at Shibu Onsen “Kanaguya” last time, I stayed at Togura Kamiyamada Onsen [Riverside Uedakan], an inn of Itoen Hotels in Chikuma City, Nagano Prefecture. I was able to spend a relaxing time in a Japanese-Western style room with a dazzling view of the Chikuma River, over 60 square meters in size. ^o^ The open-air bath with a view on the 8th floor has a great sense of openness, even though the men and women are alternated ♪ The customary all-you-can-eat and drink experience Buffet’s gourmet fair is also a big hit! Of course, I even enjoyed karaoke this time, making it a surprisingly cost-effective trip ^o^

戸倉上山田温泉【リバーサイド上田館】/Togura Kamiyamada Onsen [Riverside Uedakan]


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タイトル曲 : 天休ひさし「百花繚乱」
